Thursday, August 8, 2013

Natural Remedies for Acne Scar Removal Treatment

Besides keeping pounds off, most women are concerned with how clean their face is. Having a luminous face is every woman’s dream starting with puberty. Women are willing to go to great lengths to achieve this. This is also true for a lot of men who are becoming more and more self-conscious about their appearance these days. If this sounds familiar and if you’ve lived embarrassing moments because of acne, you’re in the right place.

This article is for those who have exhausted the acne treatment options available on drugstore shelves and are ready to drop useless acne medication and give natural acne remedies a try.
Below you can find some of the most successful natural acne scar removal treatments.

As you know, oatmeal has great benefits when consumed as a food, thanks to its high fiber content and its ability to lower bad cholesterol, among benefits. But it can help with your acne, too. Here’s how. Combine oatmeal powder with some lemon juice and honey. Add some crushed green tea leaves and turmeric, and then mix everything. Apply the resulting paste on your face and leave it there for half an hour. Now wash it off and you’ll feel the difference.

The curative properties of honey have been long known. Its antibacterial qualities recommend it in both cosmetic and acne scar removal treatments. What do you need to do? Take half a teaspoon of honey, spread it on your face and massage it, then rinse it. Your face will feel softer and moisturized. You’ll notice that acne will become less visible after repeated applications.

When acne is caused by a severe hormonal imbalance and no treatment seems to work, acupuncture might help. Many women suffering from acne have irregular periods, and acne breakouts are associated with PMS. Acupuncture treatments can alleviate the effects of hormonal problems, significantly improving the health of your skin.

Instead of assaulting your face with toxic, harmful chemicals, such as those contained by most commercial products claiming to cure acne, you could try some natural remedies that clean your skin and restore its luminosity, normalize oil production, and correct a possible hormone imbalance.

Ready to try natural remedies to treat your acne? You might want to add Zenmed DermaCleanse Systems to the list. This innovative scar removal treatment has proven its efficacy for all acne types.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Acne Types and How to Find an Effective Acne Scar Removal Treatment

Those who have been suffering from acne for quite a while know that scars aren’t only skin deep. Emotional scars go even deeper than the traces left by this condition on their face. 
When looking for a scar removal treatment, you need to find out first what kind of acne you are confronting to make sure.

What are the most common types of acne and how can you identify them?
Basically, there are two kinds of acne: non-inflammatory and inflammatory, and before you can find an effective acne scar removal treatment you need to know which kind you have.

What is non-inflammatory acne?
As the name of the condition suggests, this type of acne does not cause inflammation, which makes it easier to treat. It includes whiteheads, as well as blackheads, which were dubbed this way for obvious reasons. They are easy to distinguish because of the white or black spot that can be seen on the surface of the skin.

What are whiteheads caused by?
Whiteheads are caused by the sebum under the surface of the skin or by bacteria. Most often they show up on the skin, but there are also whiteheads that may remain invisible because of their tiny size.

What are blackheads caused by?
Blackheads appear when there is an opening in the surface of the skin. This opening of the skin pores is filled fragments of skin, bacteria, and sebum. In contact with air, melanin (the skin pigment) turns black. Many people believe that this clogged skin pore is dirt that can be simply cleaned by washing it. But it’s not. Blackheads can recur, as the sebum and keratin in the skin cells get to the surface.

What is inflammatory acne?
When acne is accompanied by inflammation, which means that the affected area can become reddish, sore and swollen, we talk about inflammatory acne. Inflammation occurs when skin produces excess sebum, which, when in contact with dead skin cells and bacteria, creates an inflammatory build-up in the skin. The redness and skin swelling can lead to blemishes.

There are several kinds of inflammatory acne: papules, nodules, cysts, and perhaps the most common, pustules.

Papules are small lesions of the skin with an elevated and solid appearance that does not have content that can be popped out.

Nodules are bumps in the skin caused by inflammation of the tissue after the collapse of the skin follicle.

Cysts are larger lesions in the skin, filled with puss, caused by debris from dead cells and pathogens such as bacteria. In this case, the inflammation is extremely severe.

Pustules are what we generally call pimples, spots, or zits. They form when the cells in the pore skin manage to get to the surface.

When considering acnescar removal treatment options, you might think about sampling a powerful treatment, such as Zenmed Cleanse Systems, which has been found to be beneficial regardless of skin or acne type.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Be Acne-Free With This Proven Acne Treatment

Success in all areas of life depends on many things, and although there is no magic recipe, one ingredient is clear, and that is persistence. This is applies to people suffering from acne, too.
If you’ve been trying to get rid of this stubborn condition that makes your life miserable but to no avail, don’t lose hope!
You’ve probably tried numerous treatments and nothing seemed to work. It doesn’t mean there is no solution to your problem. It only means that you haven’t found what works for you yet.
Persistence will pay off and you will succeed eventually, provided you find the adequate acne scar removal treatment.

Is there a way to become acne-free?

Each acne case is different, and what works for someone might not yield similar results for everybody. However, evidence shows that to increase the success rate of an acne scar removal treatment, there are several guidelines to follow.
You’ve probably heard that acne, like any other medical condition, is the expression of a chemical imbalance in the body. To treat acne, the first thing you need to do is to correct this imbalance. How?

Change your lifestyle

Old habits die hard, but it’s worth trying to make small changes on a short-term basis to see big results in the long run. Here are some questions you should ask yourself before starting any acne scar removal treatment, or when trying to find out why your attempts at living without acne have failed so far.
  • How healthy is your diet? Think about what you usually eat and try to assess how healthy your diet is. On a scale from 1 to 10, how rich is your diet in processed foods, sugars, refined carbohydrates? If you score over 5, it’s time to do something about it. Eliminate these unhealthy foods from your diet and eat more vegetables and fruit.
  • Do you drink enough water? If soda and Coke are your best friends, think again. Instead of hydrating your body, they slow down your metabolism and pump you up with sugar. Replace all soft drinks with plain water to help your body eliminate toxins and fight the bacteria that perpetuate your acne.
  • Do you get enough sleep? Sleep deprivation encourages acne proliferation. Make sure you sleep enough to allow your body to recover so that it can provide the necessary fuel for your immune system to fight the toxins that are causing the inflammation associated with acne.
By making these small yet critical changes your routine, and backing up your efforts with this proven acne scar removal treatment, you will notice improvements in a short amount of time.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Celebrities Who Suffer from Acne

When you suffer from acne, it is easy to fester in your own self-misery. Come on, we have all been there! When I had breakouts, one thing that always made me feel better was finding out which one of Hollywood’s hottest, sexiest celebrities also dealt with breakouts.
You might be surprised at how many Hollywood A-listers have self-proclaimed bad skin. Fortunately for them, they have teams of makeup artists, day spas on speed dial to provide acne scar removal treatment, and graphic designers to airbrush flaws away. Hmm… must be nice to have an acne scar removal treatment on speed dial!
Cameron Diaz: Cameron regularly talks about how it is certainly no treat to suffer from acne, and how annoying it is. Fortunately, Cameron has the resources to undergo therapies like microdermabrasion and LED light therapy.
Emma Stone: Emma went through Accutane course at the age of 17. Acne was airbrushed out of the movie Easy A, so that is why most people do not know this beauty has a poor complexion.
Jurnee Smollet: Jurnee recalls that one of her worst occurrences of breakouts was when she was shooting Friday Night Lights in Austin. Between humidity, Tex-Mex food, and the fact that she was planning a wedding, she had horrible breakouts.
Kiera Knightley: This beauty has not let her acne stop her from a winning beauty contract with Chanel or being on the cover of numerous magazines.
Katy Perry: Katy confessed to Cosmo 2009 that sometimes she wears so much makeup because she is self-conscious about her acne scars.
Selma Hayek: She described debilitating depression that led to putting on weight. The cause was her acne.
Scarlett Johansson: She talks about how she is extremely careful to clean her skin before she goes to sleep and cleans her beauty brushes and sponges at least once a week. She feels that bacteria are her number one enemy.
Well, now you know who has the bad skin in Hollywood. Of course, the list is actually much longer, and there are many male actors who also suffer from bad skin.
If you want to make your own acne disappear, I recommend the Zenmed derma cleanse system. After years of trying every type of treatment in the book, I was happy to find Zenmed because they offer so many different treatments, like moisturizers with sunscreen and powerful acne scar removal treatments.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Does Sunlight Help or Hurt Acne?

Sun exposure helps people with some types of acne and makes it worse for others.  One way that it sometimes helps others is by reducing oiliness, which often reduces breakouts. A tan may act as a temporary acne scar removal treatment by hiding certain types of scars. In addition, most people moisturize after sun exposure, which reduces inflammation and subsequent breakouts.

There are many variables that dictate whether sunlight helps or hurts acne; the range includes sunscreens, skin types, severity of scarring, and types of acne treatments and acne scar removal treatments.


Sunscreen is a bit of a quandary. In some instances, it helps clear up acne, and in others it is like applying napalm to your skin. One of the factors that helps is the ingredient zinc oxide. This sun blocker also treats acne. Factors that make it harmful are fillers such as fragrances and poor quality oils. These ingredients can clog pores and cause irritation, both of which lead to breakouts.  A quality sunscreen that is non-comedogenic and designed for the face will cause fewer problems.

Types of Treatments

Certain types of topical and orally consumed treatments increase photosensitivity. Typically, oral antibiotics, retinol-based topicals, and any treatment involving clindamycin make skin more prone to sunburn. The effect of a sunburn? Irritation, which again, leads to more breakouts.

Severity of Scarring

In an earlier article, we discussed different kinds of acne scars. Suntans are effective at skin color change acne scars. People who suffer from raised and depressed acne scars may find tans make scarring more pronounced. It is advisable to use a quality sunscreen, and an effective acne scar removal treatment for severe scarring instead of relying on sun exposure.

Sun is especially bad for people who suffer from rosacea, as it inflames the conditions and increases redness. The time you spend in the sun also has an impact, with shorter exposures being better for the skin than long exposure. UV index, a measure of how powerful the sun is, also affects the impact of sun exposure on acne. Days with a high UV index may cause more irritation and subsequent breakouts than days with a low UV index.  Whether the sun helps your skin or not is something you will have to explore on your own. Until you know, limit your exposure and use a quality sunscreen.

Friday, June 14, 2013

3 Reasons Why a Topical Acne Treatment is the Best Choice

There are countless options to treat acne. Some are holistic, utilizing natural treatments such as baking soda or coconut oil. Other treatments use chemicals such as benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. A third group of treatments still is made up of medications prescribed by a doctor and taken orally. While no single treatment will work for everybody, most people have positive experiences with topical treatments. Here are three reasons why more people rely on topical acne treatments and acne scar removal treatments.

1. Topical treatments address the symptoms where they happen, on the skin

Even though acne is the result of a chemical imbalance in the body, topical treatments address the problem where it counts. It is difficult to root out underlying causes of acne because it can range from hormones and diet, to allergies and more. In addition, many topical acne solutions also include vitamins and minerals that act as an acne scar removal treatment.

2. Some acne drugs are quite dangerous

When a doctor prescribes a drug to treat acne, it is usually an antibiotic or belongs to a family of drugs known as isotretinoin. Use of antibiotics to treat acne is contributing to the “superbug” problem, and its effectiveness is debatable. Drugs that use isotretinoin come with alarming side effects, including birth defects, suicide, and general degradation of the body. A woman in England lost her baby after taking Roccutane. Her doctors failed to follow guidelines to ensure that she was not pregnant. When she took the medication, the cost was her baby. You will not hear about topical acne treatments causing miscarriages or birth defects.

3. Scars go away faster with acne scar removal treatments

Many topical acne treatments include skin-soothing and healing compounds like alpha hydroxy and beta hydroxy acids to clear away scars left by breakouts. Vitamins and extracts from healing foods and plants are also increasingly common because they help reduce scarring. In addition, topical treatments reduce the duration of a breakout, which reduces the amount of scar tissue that forms in the first place.
If you are looking for an acne or acne scar removal treatment, consider the Zenmed family of acne treatments. They have developed treatment systems for all types of skin and all types of acne, including rosacea and body acne. It has worked wonders for me, and I know it will do marvelous things for you, too!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Is the Western Diet Triggering Acne?

The Western diet has long been criticized for being unhealthy. Despite extensive efforts to educate the public about what to eat, the diet continues to center around an unhealthy balance of animal foods and grains.
Acne appears to be the most severe in adolescent populations in the West. For years, it has been justified as being a matter of heredity, claiming that much of the Western world shares European heredity, which is prone to acne. However, that logic is flawed because acne affects adolescents of all ethnicities in the Western world. Children as young as six are suffering from outbreaks and using acne scar removal treatments.
A variety of studies found connections between the consumption of a Western diet and acne. Specifically, there is strong evidence to support the theory that dairy is a trigger for acne. In addition, an observation of the Inuit people in Canada as well as Okinawans showed an increase of acne that corresponded with a shift toward a modern Western diet.
In a particularly compelling study, 47,000 nurses evaluated the correlation between consumption of milk and acne in adolescent patients. What they found was that teenagers who drink more than three servings of milk a day had more acne than those who drink less than one serving per week.
It appears that regular consumption of dairy products triggers higher insulin production. It is surprising, because dairy has a relatively low glycemic index. The insulin surge may be to blame for acne.
If you or your children suffer from acne, you may want to reevaluate your diet and experiment with reducing or removing dairy. Another step to take is to use an acne treatment that balances holistic principles with modern science – like the Zenmed Derma Cleanse system and their incredible acne scar removal treatment.
When treating acne, it is important to remember that it is a symptom of imbalance within the body. While topical medications and acne scar removal treatments certainly help control symptoms, it is important to treat the underlying imbalances. Often, acne eases when sodas and refined starches are replaced with fruits and vegetables.
Zenmed also makes Derma Cleanse capsules that help balance body chemistry and heal acne from the inside out. In addition to diet changes, it may help prevent future outbreaks in a holistic, effective way.