Friday, May 10, 2013

Clear Skin and Sunny Skies Ahead

Summer is here and it is time to kiss acne goodbye. Are you tired of being embarrassed to show your skin because it is covered with acne and ugly old acne scars? Summer is supposed to be a time to show your skin, soak up vitamin D and play in the sun! Follow these tips to maximize the sun’s benefit and pick up some of Zenmed’s acne scar removal treatment to end the embarrassment.

      Hot tips for managing acne in the summer: 
  1. Make acne and scars vanish with Zenmed’s derma cleanse system. Not only does the system treat breakouts, but it includes a supplement to stop anymore from happening. Make sure you try their phenomenal AHA/BHA complex for acne scar removal treatment. 
  2. Get moderate doses of sun. I know that every skincare “expert” out there says do not go into the sun, but if humans were not intended to go into the sun, then why do our bodies naturally produce a powerful antioxidant when we get sun? Moderate doses of sunshine can also help to prevent acne outbreaks and disguise acne scars. 
  3. Use a gentle, oil-free sunscreen. Use an oil-free sunscreen designed for sensitive skin when you have had your fill of sun. Remember to apply it about half an hour before you are out in the sun for maximum benefit. 
  4. Moisturize after sun exposure. Use a gentle moisturizer designed for sensitive skin. Zenmed’s Derma Cleanse Acne Therapy for Combination Skin includes an oil-controlling moisturizer that is perfect for after-sun treatment.
If you have acne on your body, it is totally understandable if you do not want to show your skin – but it does not have to be that way! The sun can actually help you! Besides that, Zenmed has perfect acne therapies and acne scar removal treatments out there!

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